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Mar 27, 2020

How to install external ZSH themes in macOS



Install Cobalt 2 theme

First open the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory, this is a hidden directory.

to show hidden directories press shift + cmd + .

To get the Cobalt2 theme go to the link drag the archive named as cobalt2.zshtheme and drop into the .oh-my-zsh folder

cobalt2 github

Open ZSH preferences i use VSCode for that how to here and change the line:


Now you need to refresh your ZSH with following command:

  source ~/.zshrc
install ans setup power fonts

Cobalt2 uses power fonts for prompt, so power fonts need to be installed and cam be download from here and installed as you instal regular fonts.

Since i use Hyper i need to setup the power fonts in Hyper.js, so open hyper preferences

 code ~/.zshrc

And then add the font

add power fonts