Setup aliases in Vite with TypeScript or JavaScript
How to setup aliases in Vite with TypeScript or JavaScript to use absolute imports in your react projects.
software developer
Setup aliases in Vite with TypeScript or JavaScript
How to setup aliases in Vite with TypeScript or JavaScript to use absolute imports in your react projects.
How to Setup ESLint and Prettier
How to setup ESLint and Prettier in your VSCode project
Install NVM in macOS
How to install NVM and manage Node.js versions in macOS with NVM
NPM ask sudo for command for global install
if you are trying to do npm global install and its asking for sudo command you may want to fix your permissions
How to Generate an SSH for GitHub
SSH also known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell and usually considered more secure, for basic usage of GitHub
How to install external ZSH themes in macOS
install external themes in ZSH its a little different than the default themes
How to install and setup Hyper.js (terminal) in macOS
Hyper.js is a terminal emulator builded with web technologies like HTML, CSS and Javascript